You don’t have to be the perfect parent to have a great relationship with your kids and prepare them for a successful future.
But you may need some support. Shepherding the hearts of kids can truly be one of the hardest and most rewarding things we ever do in our lifetimes. It is among the scariest because we ultimately have little to no control over how is our love is received, and instruction applied. Parenting can also be emotionally draining because it seems our offspring know exactly how to “push our buttons” unlike anyone else. This can create unhealthy patterns of relationship and drive unhealthy behaviors in our kids.
We want to help create a safe environment for your kids to help them learn how to identify and express what is happening inside their hearts and minds. We also want to help you better understand how your child is experiencing you and how to better connect with them. Sometimes there are other challenges on top of regular everyday life that make the parent-child relationship even more difficult. That could include divorce, loss of a loved one, relocation, and a multitude of challenges that create confusion and fear in the hearts of our kids. There can also be other developmental, behavioral, and educational difficulties that require special attention and care to give the tools and support they need to continue to grow.

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